Modern House Plans by Gregory La Vardera Architect
Site Planning Assist
Site Planning Assist is a range of consultation directed to the site planning decisions that must be made for your development project. The specifics of this depend on your project status. You may want assistance vetting your lot plan against our house model footprints, or assistance in selecting best mix of house types for your development. If you have not subdivided yet, you may wish help with schematic design sketches for the division of lots.
Now, you will still need your local Site Engineer to properly prepare your application for approvals from your local municipality. But we can assist with schematic design decisions, and nobody knows our houses and how to site them better. We want that at your disposal as you see fit.


The fine print: Offers of Benefits made here are solely at the pleasure of Gregory La Vardera Architect. Offers and terms described may be modified or revoked solely at his discretion. No warranty is given as to the accuracy of the information posted on this site. All information should be independently evaluated for accuracy, correctness and completeness. All information, including pricing and features, is subject to change without notice. Plain English: There are people that may try to game these offers in ways we can not anticipate, and if so, we retain absolute and final right to modify or end the terms as we see fit. We want this to work for everybody, and we won't let one bad apple spoil it for the bunch. Thanks!